Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"The Unveiling: 1.0" has finally arrived!

It's hard to believe, but my book is finally done!
"The Unveiling: 1.0" is the first book of a series based on the Anunnaki of Sumerian Mythology. If you've watched "Ancient Aliens" on The History Channel, of if you've read any books by Erich Von Daniken or David Icke, then you might have an idea how the story will unfold. This project has been 3 years in the making, so I hope you'll like it. Any day now, I will be starting on "The Unveiling: 2.0," the followup to this first novel. 1.0 has only been on sale for a couple of weeks, but preliminary reviews are trickling in as my first readers are finishing. While the stories are very different, many people are comparing "The Unveiling" to Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code." To learn more, or to get your copy on paperback, Nook, Kindle or iBook, please visit: TheUnveilingSeries.com Happy holidays and I hope you enjoy the book!

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