Saturday, January 5, 2013

Let's Conversate On It...

Whether you consider yourself religious or spiritual is not really the point. Most would still agree that a common belief system is what brings things into existence. We call the sky blue because we have all agreed to this belief. Words, in fact, exist because, at some point, we have all agreed to them. For years, I cringed when I heard the word “conversate” because I knew this was not a word. Little by little, conversate has crept into existence and has been used by so many people until Merriam Webster finally validated it by placing it in the dictionary. Because so many people believed it to be a word, conversate has become verbal reality. If tomorrow, we all agreed that the color of the sky was much closer to purple, this would also become an accepted truth.

Things exist because we believe they do. Just a few weeks ago, I spoke to a very good friend. He was convinced that the world would come to an end with the finish of the Mayan Calendar. When I questioned him, he admitted that he had purchased a “disaster kit” and had also requested time off work to escape to safer ground, as they did in the movie “2012.” I am sure when he reads this post, he will know who I am referring to. Several years ago, I assured him that the Mayans never predicted the end of the world but rather predicted the end of the world as we know it. The Mayans prophesied that 2012 would usher in the end of materialism, which some might argue is not a bad thing. I feel it’s important that we acknowledge our negative thoughts. If we continue to think pessimistically, we bring negativity into existence and make that negativity real. It’s also important to know that we can all create positivity by simply agreeing that goodness exists. So, what will you choose for 2013? Will you be the light that illuminates the day? Or will you choose to be the shade that creates shadows of darkness in life? The choice is entirely up to you.

Happy New Year, everyone! To read my Sci-fi/Fantasy/Adventure book on the world's elite, please visit:

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