Friday, February 22, 2013

"THE UNVEILING: 1.0" unveiled - Part 3 (an excerpt)

The following excerpt is a portion of "The Unveiling: 1.0" that involves a real life artifact referred to as the Antikythera Mechanism. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Antikythera Device [let's just call it Anti-k], it was discovered in a shipwreck off the coast of the Greek isle of Antikythera.

When discussing this find with a friend, she mentioned her familiarity with the artifact. She found it intriguing because the device, in her words, is "historically out of order." But what did she mean by this exactly? Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines the word history as follows:
a chronological record of significant events (as affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes.
As history tells it, the technology that would become the clock was invented somewhere around 966, but would not become accurately sophisticated for several more centuries. Cathedral clocks would make their appearance around the year 1344, but such devices would not be considered elaborate until the early 1400's. The technology used to build the Anti-k Device resembles the intricate workings of a clock, but archeologists estimate that the Anti-k Artifact was built around 100 BC. So, as my friend eloquently stated, it is chronologically out of order, since in theory, the technology used in its manufacture did not exist at the time of its construction. This is just one of several real-life mysteries that I have tried to incorporate into "The Unveiling." Who really built the Antikythera Mechanism? Could it be alien technology as some surmise?

To see a video on the Antikythera Mechanism, please click here.

Here is a portion of THE UNVEILING: 1.0 in excerpt. It can be found in chapter 3 of the first book, 1.0. I hope you will enjoy it:

   “So, this is it?” Max said as Miklos turned around.
   If Miklos had seemed annoyed earlier, he was smiling now. “Voilà the mechanism, Monsieur Battenberg. Normally, it is housed in the fourth floor exhibit they call Gods, Myths and Mortals. Today, however, it is being cleaned.”
   Max reached out and touched the Plexiglas box protecting the mechanism. He gazed more closely at the strange symbols. “Some of those are zodiac signs, aren’t they?”
   Nodding his head, Miklos continued, “Are they not phenomenal?” Miklos may not have been enthused to cross the Atlantic for a Battenberg, but the Antikythera Mechanism clearly rejuvenated him. “As you can see the device is quite unique, in particular because it dates back thousands of years, certainly before any such technology ever existed. So they say.”
   Max hated to admit it, but, up close, he was just as mesmerized as Miklos by the device. “Who do they think built it?”
   The doctor frowned, but it quickly morphed into a laugh. “There is quite a bit of speculation on that, Monsieur Battenberg. Certainly, we Greeks have taken responsibility for its manufacture. It was found off the coast of Greece, after all. But then there are those who suggest alien technology was used to construct it.”
   Max laughed at the notion. “Okay.” He was strangely drawn to the device, and actually felt electrified by its presence. He peered more closely, nearly pressing his face against the Plexiglas. “How does it work?”
    “Certainly, you are aware it doesn’t work, Monsieur?”
   Max stood at attention, taken aback by the comment. “What do you mean it doesn’t work?”
   “Well, everyone is aware, the mechanism is missing a crucial piece. A gear essential for its function.”
   “But, Doctor Miklos, I would hardly have arranged for you to come all this way to show me a device which serves no purpose. This is useless then?”
   A smile twisted onto the doctor’s lips. “Hardly, Monsieur, hardly. The device, the Antikythera Mechanism, is one of our world’s most important finds. Surprisingly, there are only a few who know this. I figured you to be one of them when I was told you wanted to meet.”
   Max was still dumbfounded by the news. “So, how do we find the missing piece?”
   “If only we knew the answer to this question,” Miklos explained. “If the mechanism were operational, I promise it would change the face of the world as we know it. Some presume it capable of unlocking cosmic knowing.”
   Max could feel his spirits waning. He had no idea what “cosmic knowing” even meant. “And no one’s tried to manufacture the missing piece?”
   “Sadly, today’s technology barely makes a scratch at understanding a device thousands of years old. I’m afraid building this piece is out of the realm of anyone’s expertise. Alien theory doesn’t seem so fantastical now, does it?”
   Max and Miklos had switched places in their disposition. Now, it was Max who was annoyed.
   “Well, you’re the expert. What do you suggest we do?”
   “There are rumors. Stories of the Illuminati or the Knights Templar. Some even say the piece lies hidden in an alternate dimension, so as to prevent the device’s misuse. The Bermuda Triangle and other such nonsense.” Dr. Miklos toyed with Max, teasing him with his knowledge. “Others say the Knights Templar were as careful in hiding this piece as they were in secreting away Christianity’s beloved Ark of the Covenant. A theory that I suspect is quite more likely is the element is buried deep within the earth. Are you familiar with Oak Island, Monsieur Battenberg? It’s a small land mass off the coast of Nova Scotia. If I had to bet, I would say this is the location of the missing piece. In the Money Pit.”

The Money Pit is yet another real life mystery that I have incorporated into the story of "The Unveiling," but there will be more on that later. I hope you enjoyed this excerpt. Until next time, I wish you all well.

To learn more or to purchase a copy of "The Unveiling: 1.0," please visit the website at "The Unveiling" is available in paperback, Nook, Kindle and iBook.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Beyonce has been in the news a lot lately. First, there was her lip-synching debacle during the presidential nomination and then the rumors about whether or not she flashed an Illuminati sign during the Super Bowl’s half time show. So, what’s all the hubbub about Beyonce and the Illuminati anyway?

For years, there have been rumors about the music industry and the occult. Some believe that most (if not all) successful musical artists have literally had to sell their souls in exchange for fame and fortune. Could there be any truth to such outrageous allegations? I suppose the first question we have to ask ourselves is whether or not we even believe in such a thing as the Illuminati. Do secret societies really exist with the ability to manipulate or control commerce and the media?

To hear Bob Dylan’s cryptic interview where he implies he’s sold his soul, click here.

One thing I can vouch for is humanity’s cliquish nature. Mankind has an innate desire to belong to something exclusive. We see this play out daily on grade school playgrounds as well as in the sororities and fraternities of university campuses. Many of these archetypes were well represented in the movie, “Mean Girls:”

1. The plastics
2. The jocks
3. The band geeks
4. The art freaks
5. The Goths.
6. The punk rockers

This list could go on. All of us who have survived high school, and those who are braving it now, know these affiliations well. Which groups did we interact with and what are the groups that we secretly hoped to participate in? I am unsure why we have this desire to belong to something larger than ourselves, but as we age, the exclusivity of our cliquishness becomes more and more sophisticated. These aspects are easily displayed in the hazing of fraternities and the secrecy of the Freemasons (which Dan Brown reveals in his last novel, “The Lost Symbol.”)

So, do wealthy and influential people band together to brainstorm on ways to stay wealthy and influential? If we chose to, couldn’t we just call this by one of its names: corporate strategy, where CEO’s and high paid executives sit in boardrooms trying to determine the best way to stay on top? Not only is this a common practice, corporations contractually bind their employees to maintain secrecy about what goes on in the boardrooms. But is this where it stops? Is there another level of exclusivity beyond the corporate boardroom? We know the Freemasons exist. We know the Bilderberg Group exists. Are the Illuminati and the Committee of 300 that farfetched?

What I find interesting are the media’s attempts to rebuff that Beyonce flashed the Illuminati's not-so-secret symbol during the Super Bowl. The argument was that she would never display a secret sign in a public venue, that the gesture she made was simply one of Jay Z’s antics for his record company, Roc-A-Fella Records. I find this is flawed logic, especially since there has been talk of Jay Z’s affiliation with the Illuminati even before he married Beyonce.

As rumor would have it, Jay Z is the one who brought Beyonce into the fold. As rumor would also have it, the Rockefeller name has for years been associated with the Illuminati. Is it simply coincidence or brazen behavior that Jay Z chose to name his company Roc-A-fella and that he often uses the Illuminati symbol as part of his shtick?

Here is the Illuminati symbol, which you can find on the back of every dollar bill. It is a simple triangle with the all-seeing eye in the center of it.

If Beyonce did choose to flash this symbol during the Super Bowl half-time show, could there be a more efficient way to do it than the way she gestures above? I’ll let you do the math.

I’m not here to prove anything to you, but I do hope you open your eyes to see the world, not as we’d like it to be, but rather to see it as clearly as it is.


of my sci-fi/fantasy/adventure, “The Unveiling: 1.0,” please visit

Thursday, February 7, 2013

“THE UNVEILING: 1.0” unveiled – Part 2

Last time, I wrote about the genesis of “The Unveiling Series” and how I was inspired by Sumerian Mythology to write it (see Part 1 of “The Unveiling: 1.0” unveiled).

In this installment of “The Unveiling Series” unveiled, I will talk more specifically about the aspect of the first book that involves the cabal. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this term, Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines cabal as follows:

The artifices and intrigues of a group of persons secretly united in a plot (as to overturn a government); also : a group engaged in such artifices and intrigues.

Some examples of the cabal that are more commonly known are the Bilderberg Group, the Illuminati, and some would even say the Freemasons. Of course, this list could go on with other clandestine organizations like the Club of Rome or the Committee of 300, which proposes that there are 300 individuals who run the world.

Since the recession of 2008, we have heard much talk about the 1% vs. the rest of the world. Only now are people beginning to believe the truth behind these percentages. Is the idea that 300 people control the majority of the world’s wealth so implausible? The premise of the cabal centers on the idea that those who govern the planet are not the ones we see, but are more so the ones we don’t see. Not the Bushes, the Clintons or the Obamas, but rather the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.

In the first “Unveiling” book, “1.0,” we are introduced to our protagonist, Max Battenberg. As the heir to a multi-billion dollar fortune, Max has always enjoyed the best money can buy. Just shy of his 25th birthday, he has held the belief that luck made him a member of a wealthy family. Along with most people, Max took for granted that his father, Demetrius Battenberg, had used sharp business acumen to parlay the family fortune into greater riches. While on some level, this was true, Max was completely unaware that he’d been born into the cabal, a fact his family intentionally withheld until the age of twenty-five. Once a Battenberg reaches this age, they are introduced to their true legacy in a bizarre ceremony referred to as the Battenberg Initiation.

In Merriam-Webster’s definition of cabal, it is implied that a group might secretly rise up (as to overturn a government), as if this might happen at any point in the future. But consider this: what if a cabal had always been there? What if every function of every society on every continent had been secretly governed by an invisible group?

After his initiation, Max learns he is part of an intricately placed system that has for centuries dominated the globe. Just like in the movie, "The Matrix," what if the majority of the world had been born into slavery without even knowing it? It is this reality that “The Unveiling Series” explores through the eyes of its protagonist.

In my next post, I will talk about Beyonce’s Super Bowl performance. Did she really throw up an Illuminati sign (see the eye in the pyramid above)? If so, does that mean the Illuminati really exists?

“The Unveiling: 1.0” is a sci-fi/fantasy/adventure. It is available in paperback, Kindle, Nook or iBook. To learn more or to purchase a copy, please visit

Sunday, February 3, 2013

"THE UNVEILING: 1.0" unveiled - Part 1

Welcome to the first installment of “The Unveiling: 1.0 ” unveiled. You should know "The Unveiling" is a novel series and that “1.0” refers to the first book of an epic story.

At one point, I did try to figure out if I would come up with different names for each individual book like Tolkien did with the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy: “The Fellowship of the Ring;” “The Two Towers” and “The Return of the King.” After toying with several options, I decided 1.0 was the best designation. I am currently working on “2.0,” the follow up to this first book and I am developing a story for “3.0” to round out a nice full-bodied trilogy.

So, what is “The Unveiling” you might ask. The tale of “The Unveiling” is a blend of fact and fiction that holds Sumerian Mythology at its core. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this mythology, its origin is Sumer, Earth’s oldest known civilization (fact). The mythology from this region recounts a phenomenal story of how modern man was created. But here’s where it gets interesting. Sumer’s mythology reads quite a bit like the Old Testament, only it's a much older story. Where the Old Testament refers to God as our creator, Sumerian Mythology instead proposes that an advanced alien race genetically engineered us. Is this too fantastic to believe? Perhaps not. Could the Old Testament possibly be a derivative story of this ancient Sumerian tale?

I must admit I was perplexed by the Sumerian account of humanity's origins. By tradition, I had been taught to believe in the Old and New Testaments which only made Sumerian Mythology that much more compelling. Today, the ancient civilization of Sumer is largely known as Iraq (along with portions of Turkey and Syria). A segment of this region is believed by many to be the legendary location of Eden in the Bible’s Genesis.

Bible excerpt – Genesis 2:10

“Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden;
and from there it divided and became four rivers...”

Of those four rivers mentioned, only two still exist, the Tigris and the Euphrates, both located in Iraq, or what used to be Sumer.

Upon learning this, my brain immediately began a balancing act. If I had been taught that the Bible is truth, why am I not meant to believe a story that emerges from the very region that the Bible speaks of? I admit I found this difficult to reconcile. Here I had two stories before me with incredible similarities, but one was meant to be believed (according to religion) and the other, even though it was the older of the two stories, was intended to be fantasy or myth. Whether or not you believe in religion is not really the point. The tale of Sumerian Mythology is so compelling that many scholars believe in it, as you can witness on shows like the History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens,” or in books like those written by Erich Von Däniken or Zecharia Sitchin.

"The Unveiling" novels recount an epic sci-fi/fantasy/adventure tale that chronicles the creation of man. If you enjoy stories by authors like Dan Brown, Whitley Strieber or Stephen King, "The Unveiling: 1.0" is sure to please.

In the meantime, please keep an eye out for Part 2 of “The Unveiling” unveiled. Next time, I’ll discuss more specifics of “1.0” and how it relates to the Bilderberg Group.

"The Unveiling: 1.0" is available in paperback, Kindle, Nook or iBook. To learn more or to get your copy, please visit